The Biggest Predator Ever!
The red panda pokes aren's stomach. based on height alone, normal people would suspect aren being a bigger pred than jack just because the white tiger is two heads taller than the red panda. "your stomach is too small to contain me."
Friends ike These Chapter 2 - Ripples In The Water
The sun shone brightlyu though Snow balls window causing him to throw the blanket over his head . But the chirping o birds Kept him awake so he druug himself out of bed and into the kithen where w=he started cleaning and preparing the...
Crushing The Competition #01: Coffee Break
Even though he was nearly three times his original height and had put on a lot of weight since leaving university, the red panda still carried himself with the sinewy grace that came natural to his species.
Three red panda brothers find a feral snow leopard to play with. (not yet proofread, apologies for any errors!) oly had been picking fruit for almost an hour.
A Single Candle, Part 1
The red panda, cautious but prepared, waited another pawful of seconds, just to make sure that no more flickers could be seen.
Dancing on the Razor's Edge
Lance thrust into the red panda's ass so hard the walls vibrated.
The Last Seduction of Suzie Wong
A young female red panda met us at the door and asked if we were the people from the foreign investment agency.
Thirteen Tales (2019): Eigth Tale
That meant red panda was out. she could easily see coyote happening, it wasn't that different from dog. then again, llamas were already domesticated, so would be easier to keep as a pet.
The red panda's entire hide was littered with stretchmarks, covered by his thick fur in some spots and barely obscured by others.
Kevin (Prologue)
He shoved the drug into the red panda's mouth, before flushing it down his throat with the tube of water.
Mako and Vega - 05
"Are you cold?" "A little." Vega admits, once again pulling her jersey tighter around her shoulders as she sits on the sofa. I know that it's just my fur, which is clearly thicker than her own, keeping me warm, so her thinner coat must not be doing...
Mako and Vega - 03
The weather is cold, like it's going to rain or snow soon, when Vega and I arrive at the shopping centre in Cayman Park. "You know there's a perfectly good shopping centre in the Central City, right?" Vega says as we get out of the car. A gust of...