Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 3: Leaving

As Embryo and her parents entered their home after their lovely breakfast, Albumen turned to look at her. "So," she inquired, "What did you think?" "Well," Embryo began, "I quite liked the egg salad Caviar brought. I think she has some potential when...

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Sydney's First Egg

Sydney was feeling extremely anxious about going to school today. This was going to be her first egg, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to handle it well if she was still at school when it came. Her mother had offered to let her stay home, but...

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The Quickest Way to Catch a Pokémon Without Battling It

Evan couldn't believe it. Where was Bulbasaur when he needed him. He'd let his one and only Pokémon out to wander as he'd sat down to rest, but now their was a male Dragonite standing before him, ready to be caught, and his Bulbasaur was nowhere in...

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Rocky Mountain Cattle

**Sort of something I wanted to do for awhile, but requested specifically by Facelessbuster on SoFurry.** When Bella stepped back out into the pasture, a sense of relief filled her. It was always so awkward for a cow being milked, and she was glad...

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Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 3 - Izzy

Following Pipp flying just ahead of him, leading the way, Hitch began to gain ground on Sunny and the others, pushing past that uncomfortable ache that made him limp, which had somehow become his reality. _Why Me_? From the air, Pipp noticed all the...

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Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 5

The peace meeting was over, but Jagan couldn't get over his frustration with Pengu for making him support Raya in preparing for the Meeting while Pengu got to mingle with the crowd. "It's your job to be all diplomatic and all that," Jagan fumed, "So...

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Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 4

Sisu paced back and forth restlessly across the room. Raya had had to attend a Peace Meeting with the Leaders and Representatives of the other lands, so knowing Sisu was about to deliver again, she'd left Tuk Tuk with her to watch over her. Tuk Tuk...

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Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 3

"So why are we here?" Raya asked as Sisu landed on the docks off Talon's Port City. "I wanted to check out the markets, see if I could find any inspiration on what to do with my egg." Sisu replied as Raya climbed off her back. "Okay," Raya replied,...

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Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 2

When Sisu returned to her home in the new extension of the Temple at Heart, she snuck to her room, careful not to run into any of her siblings. Scrambling into her room, she found a nice niche on a shelf to prop the egg, so inconspicuous, nobody would...

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The Tale of Five Swing Park

They had the pizza graveyard in their car, yet they found no one to sell them their dog. Monday came, and all they could think about was sandwiches, but sandwiches seldom have a habit of falling out of the sky, so they went home hungry. They still had...

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Lightningstruck Griffin

Gretchen looked over at Grey and sighed dreamily. Like the other griffin girls, she dreamed of taking a flight with the guy of her dreams, and for her, that guy was Grey. He was sure of himself, kind, and very, very handsome. She was going to ask him...

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Cricket Needs to Go Pee

**As referenced in Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!)** * * * Cricket was making her way through the crowded markets of Cicada Hive, looking at the various shops and stalls lining the plaza. She had decided to take a shopping spree before heading home...

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