Legend of the Gladiator: Prologue

And hear his tragic decline, his overthrowing. and finally his death, at the hands of his own pupil. hear now, the legend of the warrior. the legend of the gladiator!

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Sam Higgen

The sun had just begun to set, the heat of the day having started to decline from the blistering heat of the noon time sun, the clock of the local church ringing eight times before falling silent, and the lone worker in a rather large field rose from the ground

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Pretty Little Pup

During her 7th week she began refusing food, and despite desperate attempts to nourish her, including through iv and stomach tube, her health steadily declined. her body rested peacefully on the steel surface.

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Goddess of Gluttony

#4 of six short weight gain stories (series) originally published: october 3, 2018 it was the age of end, a time for all gods, deities, and other creators when their universe had reached its limit and was on a decline.

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393 Exit Strategies

Keselt also got an invite but has declined, citing the need to look after twins, an excuse that he probably can't stretch to cover himself as well.

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Sadly she declined saying it would be rough on her to make the long journey to work everyday. so we agreed that i'd come home friday night and leave early monday morning.

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An Alternate History For Placodonts

Everything changed in the post-cenomanian cretaceous, where a decline in placochelyid diversity allowed them to explode ecologically and become the dominant placodont linage.

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Issue 04: The Prophecy of the Ancients

According to the legend, the prophecy was left as a warning to the folks and heralds the terrible decline of our world. in the great cathedral of sorlacom the words of the ancients were carved in obsidian.


Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.1 Myrh

I quickly declined, and headed further down the wagon train.

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A Settled Heart: Part 1

Nick had said his parents were well-to-do and that he wasn't tight for money; he often paid for mike's drinks since mike would have to decline going to the bar for lack of funds otherwise.

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Ch. 14: Albrand, Village of Ideals

If he was truly against it, bart believed that he would have declined to participate in such games. not that it would have made a difference to him anyways, he was certain he would have hated arion just the same regardless of how he acted.

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Normae: Nation Profile

If she declines his proposal it is as follows: i am afeard my shield is waiting for a different bearer, the one you seek is not to be found on my back. example.
