"if you win this game i'll be so surprised i'll let you stick your fist up \*my\* ass" "your cock up mine'll be fine sir," the wolf grinned, heading upstairs to the bathroom
Bill's secret pleasures
I balled my fist as my hand reached his anus, and it pulled back the flesh as if he were giving birth to a softball.
Stuffing Kelly
"the fist," squawked the rooster. "the whole thing, scaly. do it!" shoa withdrew his hand, made a fist, and after dipping it into the oil he started pushing it past the bird's shivering, clenching cloacal lips.
A Mother Knows Best
Soon her mom started shoving her forearm into her pussy, now being ferociously fisted she is starting to reach her very first climax with waves of pleasure surging through her body.
BataBunny22 Gift
Wanrning it does contain gay sex, and fisting. ----------------------------------------------------------- michael walked into the spa's main office.
The Jack and the Filly, Part 2
Daniel could see that her pussy was larger than average, and guessed that he could easily slip his fist into her if he used some lube.
Operation Ova
Pulling his fist back to stare at ova's tight hot sex, he thrusts up to his elbow into her, causing her hips to arch as he keeps his fist closed, making her hot slick folds hold onto his arm as his cum from last night gushes out a bit around his fist
Hotel Shatel Client Report: Mr. Galhi
However, he pulled back and while making a duck shape with his thumb, slammed his fist inside mr. galhi. the ursine howled through the gag, as he started to urinate. "ah, a refreshment."
Who Says Crime Doesn't Pay?
Alesta sat in the interrogation room smiling as she always did and waited for Agent Heart to show up. She had been sitting there for nearly 3 hours and was starting to get annoyed, normally Heart would have been there by now the longest it had ever...
Southern Fried Gator: Cus’n Rupert
Before you do look, how did the finger and fist feel"? evens moved slowly to stand up and get off the tub surround, "well it hurt a bit when you went in the first time but after that, whew! it was dam hot."
Arm Deep: one finger in
This has got some fisting fun in it. haven't read any other stories with that kind of action going on. it was early morning when i awoke and had to use the bathroom.
Skunk Weed
Cal figured that was enough preparation anyhow, and ever so slowly did his fist leave the now slightly cavernous asshole. winking explicitly, don's ass was practically begging to be filled once more.