Iron Dragon Chapters 30-31

He was worried about nodrog and hoped to gain a little insight. sherman listened intently. he was not sure if he could help in anyway, but in talking about it, nodrog might find his own answer.

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 4: A Big Day

"did you guys have another one of your insights?" "yeah", said whisper, rubbing at her eye, with the palm of her hand. all this new knowledge was giving her a headache.

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His methods were thought-provoking and insightful, and he provided an interesting view on some aspects of pokémon i've never considered. i also believe it could make an excellent characterisation tool, if adapted properly.  

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Fun Sized and Extra Large

Duke, being a social butterfly thrived on the threads and forums of the internet with his geeky insight and hunger to learn driving his internet usage to take up half of his socialization.

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Happiness Doll

This is an insight to how my mind works, things spin round and round until finally the whole day, week, or even month crashes and it all becomes unbearable.

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Bio: Snow

The next two decades saw him become an esteemed adviser to the un and a powerful soldier, giving his very own insight into their technological developement.

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: Exhibition Match

It is in these training grounds for society's brightest that one begins to make realizations, compromises, and new insights. at the top of the school's political hierarchy are the student council members.

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Jurassic Encounter

My eyes squinted as i tried to understand what i was seeing, when suddenly i had a flash of insight...bones of the saints, it was _raptor jesus_ that i was beholding!

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Unexpected Arrivals (Otherwise Untitled)

None of this chatter was particularly insightful as col. malloy kept to his instincts, tracking the objects that were now somewhat lingering in the airspace of the city, still ablaze in every place a ship could be on fire.


Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 76

All at once, the answer came to him in a flash of insight. he couldn't find anything different about this wall because there _was_ no difference, and _that's_ what was wrong with it! the wall back home encircled their tribe, and that made perfect sense.

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Introducing Valentine the Husky

Well as the bar is empty i can give you some will need to have good night vision if you want to find what's under my tail in the dark, though there may be a blue target winking at you as it is where my back fur colour changes, but my sheath

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Epilogue

The trail of legends, as it would be called years later, provided insights and clues to the nature of the universe, life, and of what might be beyond.

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