Chapter Five: Sharp Beaks Near the Great Valley

#6 of the land before time xv: the sharp beak prince chapter five **chapter five: sharp beaks near the great valley** while ptero and petrie had had tragedy in their childhood, they weren't the only ones.

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#1 of the land before time xv: the sharp beak prince littlefoot has chomper as a sharptooth close friend, but petrie has none. all that changes when ptero comes.

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Escape Fortress Valley

Despite his large size, he could land perfectly, and he began to search his surroundings. "oh littlefoot...why don't you come out and play with your old pal, rex?" he taunted, and took off again. once he saw the cave, he grinned. "it's time to play..."

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The Deserter

Suddenly, Red knocked Sandstorm onto the ground. He pulled back his lips, showing off his sharp teeth to him. "How dare you... we can't betray Chomper!" Sandstorm picked himself back up. "I never said we were. I merely suggested we leave the...

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The earthquake started getting worse. As the gang ran as fast as they could, they were having trouble keeping themselves balanced. Some nearly fell over as the shakes grew stronger. They could hear a loud banging noise, and knew that the mountain was...

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His Story part 1: A Tragedy

"there's land nearby! swim!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. goldclaw looked at her husband. "what did he say?" a flash of lightning broke through the skies, illuminated sly's face. "he said there's land nearby. we must swim to it!"

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A Reason

"Chomper!" Littlefoot cried out, answering the horned sharptooth's question. In response, Chomper merely smiled, and purred once again in a menacing way. (A/N The purring sound Chomper is making is very similar to the purring sound heard by the...

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Confrontation in the Cave

"What!" Rex cried out, his dark blue eyes registering sheer horror. Littlefoot had just told Rex about the series of murders that have been taking place. "H-How...?" He was almost afraid to find out. Littlefoot bowed his head a little, eyes closed...

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The First Stryke

The news of Dusty's death swept quickly among the valley. The reason for it spreading so quickly was not because it was a typical sharptooth attack. Most sharpteeth eat as much as they could without and then leave. But whatever sharptooth did this had...

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The Village Board (Part 3)

Domina's eyes flashed open in a narrowed rage while she sat up after having just laid down. What she was watching was Lilly and Flora actually arguing about who would get to sleep next to the only male in the party. It was obvious that Lilly wanted to,...

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One Single Day: Wolfess

The land from where she was opened up to a river that marked the end of the wolf territory.

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Family Walk

Her body tensed sharpy, juices squirting from her, the dew landing on cera's face and the grass. topsy gasped at the female's explosive climax, precum smearing across his belly as he hunched his hips forward again.

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