My Name's Sake
#2 of the diary of lucifer stone i don't exchange names. â it's not for some greater reason like "exchanging a name is a form of commitment" or "it makes things more intimate" or anything irritatingly homo as that.
Though Not In The Name Of Love.
A few days passed Mimi knew they couldn't keep Flame waiting, Flame had saved Sol and Mimi had guessed in return Sol promised her she would be shown Aria or parts of Aria, who knew how long it might take to show her every last paw step. Even Mimi...
There Was A Girl Named 69...
After a long and stressful day at work, a beautiful anthro corgi named jenna came home to try to relax. walking through her house, she dropped her work bag by the door, and made her way over to the computer.
Names Long Lost
Zayin leaned back against the sloped wall of the storm channel, humming softly as he wrapped a bundle of firecrackers around an old, scratched-up spray paint can. His eyes were narrowed slightly with focus as he...
What's Your Name?
"that is not my husband's name," she stated.
A Katta Named Shema
, a katta named shema greeted.
My Name is Beautiful
On one particular occasion, as nizhoni was returning from a trading errand, a gray fox by the name of klah took nizhoni aside and asked him to explain the importance of the field.
Femme without a Name
Femme without a name © 2004 nameless * * * part 1 - a holiday in hell: morning part 2 - a holiday in hell: midday part 3 - a holiday in hell: afternoon * * * [note: i had not originally planned to expicitly specify the
My name is Sasha.
My name is sasha, i am a brown fox. try and understand my situation, i'm a fox. a brown fox. foxes are known to have high sex drive, and many are very sexually active.
My Name Is Midnite
Hence the name midnite. as in midnight blue. i wasn't too tall for a 16 yr old, about 5'3'' or so. i sighed contentedly to myself, drumming my fingers on the sink.
Say My Name
Most of the stuff were miscellaneous school related stuff; notebooks, pencils, and a calculator to name a few, but towards the bottom, a two bottles peaked the horse's interest.
By Any Other Name
It wasn't like he'd picked the name, though, and he was free to change it, but he'd need to wait for an opportunity, first.