The Great War, hell Division, Heroes of the Dovahreich: Prologue
Doomfond then sworn he will come back and finish his creator when he had an army to command. the dark master laugh hard about this. then doomfond as retaliation as he lost some of his power did burned down his master lab then he made his escape and he spent
Warriors of Terra part 1
.** **_12 hours until retaliation against the kraekons_ secret military base** ''echo squad listen up, as you know, we are under attack from a hostile alien race. we will be sent on a recon mission to find out what they are and why they are here.
P:A chapter 2
"as much as a big door should scare a bloke, i suppose" dutch retaliated dryly.
It was replaced with a mischievous smile as she sent retaliation back towards the wolf. "oh it's so on" loriel squinted her eyes, determination coursing through them.
Independence Day in Devout America
This included the west coast states of hawaii, alaska, washington, oregon, california, utah, arizona, and colorado, the latter of whom witnessed severe retaliation from devout forces after the mentioned states declared their secession.
Summaries for Halo-Fanfiction
There are those who seek revenge or join the enemy side as a form of retaliation. there are those humans that believe that there is no hope of stopping the covenant war machine.
The Hyena’s Concubine CH18
He caught the descending swipe, the pain in his groin distracting him from retaliating. "uuhhhhh!", kion groaned as the figure swung a left hook into his crotch.
D&D Character Concept: Fire Genasi Pheonix Sorcerer Kiana Ashti
Additionally, she will not outright kill without reason, but absolutely will retaliate for any perceived offenses.
Prologue part 1
Flattening their ears in annoyance and occasionally retaliating with their own arsenal with the snow full on their shovels, when caught in the crossfire. it seemed every child was out at play, though all but one. "coming, mama!"
Candy Mouse
I retaliated, so he told tails on me, which was painful. the punishment was being hit in the head by a pencil. my resolution was to get him back for that. oddly, he didn't tell me his name until we were both 9.
Nightly Prowl: Part.1, Finding a Prey
Back of his neck as he blushed when the female examined him.vlad spoke in a soft tone "im vlad daichi and you are " ehasaru replied with "im ehasaru kuran, nice to meet you" vlad knew he would feel bad for doing this but he grabbed her by the arm, but as a retaliation
S1 Ep5 The girl
Some of them did retaliate with bats and other blunt objects but artemis held out and did this sonic punch attack to knock them all down and then used a magic howl to scare them off.