Beneath the Obsidian Veil, Chapter 3

Last time i checked, streamers don't stream naked," i tease. "i have no idea what you're talking about..." sebastian said and looks away. "you're blushing, aren't you?" i laugh evilly, "do you have any idea how loud you are?"

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Silver Lining (Chapter 7)

You hitch a paper streamer to the airplane and chase each other, and the streamer breaks real easy if anyone touches it. team with the longest streamers at the end wins the day. i was in a league, actually.

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The computers seem to ibm affairs, big banks of lights and reels of tape, all having vomited their streamers across the floor long ago, most of the light bulbs burned out. rats and spiders seem to have even found this place a lousy toilet decades ago.

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A Seashell Island Valentines Day: Chapter 2

Pink and red paper chain streamers hung from every tree. the old style lantern lights that lined the walkway were outfitted with pink lights that cast a loving glow on happy couples. at least crittenz liked to think so.

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Hot streamers of cum sprayed past my head and splattered the wall behind me. i gripped my cock with both paws and aimed it vertical, and shot so hard it splattered on the ceiling!

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The Sentinel

With a faint hiss of water and steam the shower started up again sending faint streamers of fog slithering across the bathroom floor, jason let the water cascade off him the water flowed off in streamers as his waterproof fur turned the water aside.

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Birthright IV: Impetus

The white fox flowed into center stage bearing a pair of staves, each ending with a streamer the fabric as her long loincloth, just six times as long.

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Chapter 2 - First Fight

"i wouldn't have thought streamers would have time to be fangirls." i say to her, smiling.

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Slow Strokes

The first shot was massive- a thick ribbon like streamer of hot and sticky mouse cum- buzzing through air. it felt like a fired shot from a cannon, his cock was pulsing so hard.

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Pop goes Chelsea!

Her hair like streamers tied to kites. chelsea felt her rope bindings start to break free and she felt them shear clean and she floated higher and higher bigger than a blimp, bigger than a plane.

Stream of consciousness (Patreon reward for Kodi)

Swirling weightlessly in some kind of cloud, hazel just let everything go away as he kept playing for his streamers. building was automatic, mechanic. and then, at some point, consciousness returned to him.

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Fuckboi's Cumming Home!

A commission for my buddy [Reynthelucario on FA]( [![reynthelucario]( "reynthelucario")]( ...

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