Trial of Tomb Stealer 2
"laura, a.k.a tomb stealer, is arrested when trying to raid our treasures." laura breathed heavily.
The two guards held lucrix over the tomb, lucrix's eyes darting back and forth, staring at anybdy, anything for help. just before the guards would lower him into the tomb the judge held a palm out.
"Skylands: The Third Gate" ch.13 (NaNoWriMo 2015)
From it, echoed a voice.still with arms bared, the group entered the first tomb of the dust king.
K'Jaar adventures 1
The bad thing was that the tomb where elder scroll is supposet to be is in dwermer tomb! dwermer tomb's are most dangerous of all the ancient tomb's. bicose in there are some kinds of a robot's. but k'jaar haven't gaved up!
Israed's Will -chapter 1
"i found the tomb of rahj al-ghar." she started at that name, almost upsetting the glasses on the table as she bumped into it.
Zoan - Part one - Chapter 1 and chapter 2
Scorpion, a small anthro black dragon said as he stumbled across a small tomb. in the tomb was just one room, it containing a sarcophogus, and a lone pedistal, laying on it on its own little stand was a katana.
Legend of Zelda: Disinterment of the Viper Queen [Commission]
Though faded, a plate bearing an inverted sheikah eye rested over the doorway to each tomb. though time was of the essence - zelda couldn't help but peek into one of the other tombs.
Demon-Ass 2.txt
He exchanged places with the human, hands on the crumbling tomb wall, eyes closed, waiting for... ahhhhh! he moaned when the head opened him up, slipping inside.
Game of Tombs (Good Ending)
There were defenceless caravans to loot, tombs of the rich to plunder. yet here he was, here on an "official invitation" to sit in the office of some rich person and do nothing.
Trial of Tomb Stealer 3
Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **trial of tomb stealer 3** rokira made hamburgers on the grill, while javier and sirban got cases of cold soda from the kitchen. they were all so hungry that the food quickly disappeared.
Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (2)
Kylo, obviously annoyed by the interruption, stepped into the tomb, ignoring the trooper. he stepped over and around the bodies, taking time to examine each one. he came to a neimoidian corpse.
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 12
Deep in the country he built her a tomb, huge and heavy, and laid her body to rest in that darkness, betwixt stones. above her he placed his sword, the instrument that had taken her life, and sealed the tomb off.