immortal 4

Kiff said, "maybe we shouldn't go around messing with time travel." monodramon said, "there is only one more thing i want to check out before we let it return." they traveled back in time once more.

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Timely rescue

* * * really wanted to do a story with time travel, next to magic its another of the great plot-hole fillers, although mine is a very different world of time travel than most.

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Galvroode Ekahshtan

He toyed with his ice cube in the glass before him, punching it against the walls of the glass and not trying to push it further into the drink. He stopped for a second and took it up and sipped from the glass. He put it back down in the same ring of...

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Return To America

Teams must travel via amtrak train to to the town of maricopa, where they will find the next clue with one of four awaiting helicopters. chris whistles with his fingers. "taxi!" the first six teams quickly catch a ride to the train station.

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Into the Unknown-Chapter 1-The beginning of the voyage

INTO THE UNKNOWN Prologue- ~So how do you begin on where it all started at? Do you relate on how when originally the general idea of populating space on unknown with it being the first ships to be sent out? Or how everything was sent into chaos by...

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Gods Chosen- Rest Stop

Though it would have been faster we've been taking a route that skirts the outside edge of current thaal borders by about an hour's travel, give or take." "well i guess that's good. i'd hate to have to have a run in with the thaal."

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Camouflage (Preview)

Chapter One [Danilo has been chased down to the river near his school in the European city of Tigue by a couple bullies, teasing him about the suspicion that he's gay. The bullies made a scene in the student center, so Danilo's friends are now texting...

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Paper, Plastic, or Tire Iron. (Otherwise Untitled)

Nbsp; as she let the snacks and drinks cascade onto the counter, the brown bear made sure to square up her shoulders while she pretended to not notice the cashier's grip on the tire iron while providing commentary to the coyote's glances out to her travel

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Philippine Treasure

#12 of the amazing race 2 on the last leg of the amazing race, the teams traveled to fiji where they had to give each other massages in possibly the creepiest challenge ever done in the race.

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Watch Out Australia, Here Comes The Racers

#9 of the amazing race 2 on the last leg of the amazing race, the teams traveled to madagascar. they had to golf a 400-yard hole then had to chow down a whole pound of rice. due to his bigger stomach, griffin won for him and zander.

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In From The Cold (Vore Story)

"traveller? we are here..." the rito said with a bit of nervousness in his voice. he had done this several times, but he always worried that his belly would have made his passenger into a thick gut sludge at this point.

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Is That Who I Think It Is?

I think we time traveled!" i say a little too loud. "how?!" "the nuclear waste. it didn't give you transportation abilities." "oh." he pins his ear down.

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