The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 34

"hey, cynder" spyro whispered next to her. "what's with him?" he asked, tilting his head towards gale at the mention of 'him'. "in a moment i shall tell you" cynder replied.

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chapter 5-getting to know ryan

Never lose cynder. spyro. and never let anything ever hurt her. if it was anyone else that she was with i would throw them out of her life, she deserves the best, and she has found it."

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The Legend of Spyro: The Return of the Dark Master 12

"cynder, spyro!" she cried helping her friends to their feet's as they groaned. "are you two alright?" cynder was the first to answer. "yeah, we had much worst then this; spyro?"

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 8)

"i know what you mean cynder." spyro said regretfully. "but if you can't stop this i'm going to have to." "what are you talking about spyro? what's going on?"

TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 6)

"there is still much of the day before us cynder..." spyro started, placing his head atop cynder's shoulder. "we should be heading back to the temple."

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 12

"cynder?" "spyro! your awake!" she kissed him, and nuzzled him furiously. "how long have i been asleep?" he asked looking around at all the gifts that were in the room. "three weeks" cynder answered, purring against his neck.

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The Legend Of Spyro: Perils Of War CH 2

"there's food inside, you can take any spare room, come by later if you want to meet cynder" spyro told her "thanks" she replied, then walked into the house spyro went back home and walked through the door.

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 10

'wait' he thought 'he talked about two bonds, body, and mate, cynder' spyro's heart jumped as he focused on his mate, her face, her voice, her soft breath on his neck. suddenly, spyro discovered a very strong bond within himself.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 26

"cynder" spyro whispered her name in a prolonged, knowing manner "absolutely not" she hissed back "i know it sucks, but we need to play this stupid game" "i'm not going to bow and make a fool of myself, i'm too pissed and anxious for that right now.

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The unforeseen power

"i think you do cynder..." spyro looked at cynder, who still was seeking for an explanation from ignitus, determination in her eyes... after a few minuets ignitus spoke again. "don't you two see?

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Spyro the Colliding Worlds chapter four

"this is cynder." spyro said introducing her. "hello." cynder said holding out a claw. "hi." dairu said shaking her claw. "are you hungry?" spyro asked. "a little but i'll be fine till tomorrow." dairu stated.

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