A song for....
~n~placing the violin in the crock of my neck i played a tune, one that makes up remember what we had what could of been and what never should of...a song for life a song that tells a tale of loss of a love that burned the strength of a thousand stars....a
The Day the Music Died
We took his father's pickup truck and went to our usual spot under the tree, making up for the time that we didn't get to spend together. however, things began to change after i graduated from high school.
Of Magic and Fur (Part 1)
Pulling the thing out, i see that it's a collapsible sword with some kind of blue, luminescent stone making up the hilt. "woah, where did this come from?!"
Spyro: Dark Master Armies against Dragons Part 1
making up his mind, the dragon slowly comes out of the bushes. spyro widens his eyes when the stranger comes out, he turns back around and nudging cynder, he whispers; get up.
Captured By Lions - Prologue
What he lacks in body he certainly makes up for in quick thinking and resourcefulness." abbas did not argue back, he knew his place. while he was the larger of the two, she was far more experienced. "thank you."
Making Life Worth Living [TSR]
"but i think this more than makes up for the lack of contact, wouldn't you agree, _papucho_?" "oh _please_, keep going! lavish me your praise."
048 - The Fool pt.08
It almost makes up for draft it lets in or steep step that seems to shrink i size with every passing day. is there such a thing as 'perching' with your butt cheeks like? butters shifts around trying to get comfortable, as they finish their cigarette.
Maid's View
One push wasn't enough to cross the spacey area, however, and she alternated legs to kick off various other surfaces to keep the momentum rolling, holding a steady pace at a convenient direction as she bumped over the uncarpeted wooden planks making up her
A fox named Tai
Tai hummed and then gave a small nod, making up his mind. "well okay mister wolf, but just this time cause it's getting late" he replied. "sure thing cutie" the wolf grinned widely and reached over to open the passenger door.
Chapter 33
What was so hard about making up? making up was the best part of arguing! there was a time when he thought if he could figure out why kel was so stubborn, he could figure out zalia and enya.
The Human Species Ch. 46 - Awkward Fairy Azelf
Only zapdos calls me that," azelf replied with embarrassment before getting a grouchy expression on his face, "but she makes up names for everyone! i tried calling her zapi once, but then she got mad!"
Dragon and Reptilian - A Comparison
Quetzalcoatl, for instance, was a snake with feathered wings, while the babylonian dragoness tiamat was described as having the parts of many animals, the reptilian aspects making up a minority of them.