The White Robe Chapter 22
As much as she hated to admit it, Caitlin was starting to get used to the routine of the prison. The lights came on in the morning at the same time, and this morning, she was awake and sitting on the edge of her bunk when they did. As soon as they came...
Crime in Twenty Prompts - Part Three
#3 of crime in twenty prompts chip has an answer for everything, doesn't he? guess that's what you'd expect from the confident, flaming chipmunk. it also seems that our little organization isn't totally bad.
The White Robe Chapter 21
The house was quiet when Corbett opened the door and walked in. He was used to coming home late and having his wife already in bed asleep when he got home. He specifically called and asked for her to wait up for him this evening, though, so the eerie...
The White Robe Chapter 19
They needed computer geeks for the high tech crimes unit, and they rotated me to investigations on my way up there."
To Pay A Man's Respects With Blood 1 - Randy's Beef Hold-Up
# To Pay A Man's Respects With Blood 1 Intro: The second paragraph is the character, not me. Also, this is the first of another series I'm planning of making, if it gets good feedback after the first three stories, I'm going to keep writing more but...
[Detective Thusrdays] Banned
The next morning found me at FRD airport with the Commissioner. We'd agreed that meeting the backup at the pass would probably head off any ill will with the show of good faith. The airport staff had set aside a room for us to meet in, as there was...
Gta Story of Matis part 2
At 12:05 A: M, a thunderously loud guitar chord broke the relative silence of the night. Matt jumped off of the couch, pistol out in a matter of seconds. At the realization it was just harmless music the mobster holstered the gun and sat wearily at his...
Paradise of Coexistence Chapter 1
"apparently she's a skilled crime solver and she's helped us solve many a case and she has a reasonably good skill in combat, i'm honestly surprised you haven't heard of her" sawk said. "hm..
Leave the Window Open: Prologue
Leave the window open synopsis in a world on the brink of a steampunk revolution, diego a war orphan skips out on a life in the military and plummets himself into a life of crime.
Leave the Window Open: Part 2
Leave the window open synopsis in a world on the brink of a steampunk revolution, diego a war orphan skips out on a life in the military and plummets himself into a life of crime.
Kade Chapter 5
Kade--Chapter 5 Well, this was certainly unsatisfactory. Kade reread his own notes, based on the information that Eric Stone's employer had given them. Yes, they had the footage of Eric Stone both entering and leaving the factory and even more footage...
Leave the Window Open: Part 1
Leave the window open synopsis in a world on the brink of a steampunk revolution, diego a war orphan skips out on a life in the military and plummets himself into a life of crime.