A Quest completed
The demon teased, stepping out from behind the dragon, the feeling of being trapped in the demon's cling remaining.
07. Lulling the Demon
The demon grinned, focusing his bright yellow eyes on the satyr. "oh, please be merciful, demon." finn frowned. "i'm only a traveling musician, i will be ever in your debt if you let me pass." "merciful demon?" he chortled loudly.
Hypnovember 2023 Day 9: Magic/Sorcery
The demon growled as he could feel his new progeny growing, a demon reborn from his own magic, the demonic pact was an amazing thing. all of these mages begging for power, only to succumb to demonic temptation.
Jungle Photography
The demon taunted, stroking back and forth steadily, hir deadly claws teasing against him. without warning, the demon shoved two claws into the raptor, who could only scream muffledly, the demoness keeping a firm grip on his snout.
Flames of Our Passion
He meets ifrit. stuff happens.
Regaining Her Focus
Her eyes looked at devil, tail twitching side to side. "crystal, meet devil. he's gonna be working with you for a bit." she put her paws behind her back and blushed a little. devil didn't even move as he sat there.
Pet Project
"you see dear," the demoness purred, "all your exposure to my new aspect has left your spirit longing for demonic energy to fill the void.
Prisoner's Dilemma – Bursting With Pride
"my master, asmodeus," the new demon answered swiftly. haralt assumed that "orobas" was the name of this new demon.
Demon's Snare
Up and down the gray demon rode, a hand moved to jerk off while riding and the red demon bucked his hips up against the falling ass.
Wolves' Legacy Stories: The Three Kings
Eshdar wasn't sure what ifrit was trying to do, but he nevertheless knew that ifrit was the brains of their operations, a role the red furred hellhound took when ifrit was still adapting to the surface world.
Twisted Wishes
The demon advanced suddenly, causing sam to trip hirself on hir own feet. shi sprawled onto the ground while the demon laughed. "please, don't kill me," shi whimpered. "kill you?!" the demon asked incredulously. "absolutely not.
Commission: Buwaro's Very Long Day
Reacted as all fire demons do in his situation.