1-Mission Start!

The modded game i got, mega man legends 1.5 : omega edition was just one of those games.

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Siblings of Corruption - Chapter 1

**Siblings of Corruption Chapter one - Awakening From a Dark Slumber** _Great, just when I was getting ready to go home, someone else comes up with another problem to throw at me._ Letting out a sigh, the dark blue dragon looked down at the...

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Kathryn's Story

"oh, just some old legend about some freak that was born there a long time ago."                 "really? and you found nothing to provide you with any basis for this legend?"                 "what are you getting at ma'am?

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LoS Into The Shadows Ch2

Chapter Two: Rise of a Dragon! "Crimson, what a weird name. Do you remember anything else?" Sparx asked buzzing around the black dragon. The morning light caused his scales to radiate. "Not much," Crimson said looking at Spyro and Cynder. They...

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Price of Theft

The calamitous, chaotic lands of Hyrule wasn't a place to be taken with ease. Monsters, bandits and the spider-like Guardians which terrorize the lands. Untamed and dangerous, Hyrule made it hard to survive or in Errol's case; sell wares. The...

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The Serpent and the King (M/M)

legend of zelda copyrighted to nintendo deep in the depths of the dreaded death mountain, there lied a hot spring that few had known and even fewer would ever reach.

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The Kiss

#1 of legend of zelda shortly after ganondorf's defeat, link returns to the zora's domain to tell prince sidon the good news. i regret nothing! :d following the restoration of vah ruta, life in the zora's domain had gradually gone back to normal.

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Legend of Spyro: A Retelling Book 1: Two Purple Dragons? Chapter 3

Sorry, this took a little longer then I thought it would. Between work and unexpected babysitting, I was really drained from writing a lot. I did try to work on the story a little bit each day, rather adding to this chapter or thinking about ideas down...

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the new guardians part six

LOSC: The New Guardians part 6 As the sun rises in the east over the city of Warfang as the city as it awakins with a buzz for the canidite exams were here finally and the city's merchant quater was alive with activity so the shops and...

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Red Steel

In the irish burron the legend of a flaming red haired spirit warrior wielding a blade called red steel lives on to this very day!

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The Flames Of Cynder's Lust chapter 4

The Flames Of Cynder's Lust chapter four (requested by TheCasanovaOfSmut) "=speech "()" =message/letter speech "(italic)" =thought Spyro has been away for a total of two weeks. Flame and Cynder have continued to...

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Revali's little mistake

Revali was a very proud Rito. Some would use words like arrogant or swaggering or insufferable but those people weren't worth his time to start with. The Rito champion was well known to toot his own horn and more likely than not he would be first...

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