Once Broken Draft 1 CH 44

The door didn't close, so this wasn't an override of the system, they'd physically forced it. a quick look around the room reminded him there was no cover. this wasn't a tenable position.

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Wolf Spider 2

The excitement of this primal need overrides any survival mechanism. this is why he has lived for so long. this is the culmination of all of his life. his only purpose, his reason to exist.

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File #9 - Determination"

The computer is not even accepting an manual override!" seconds were all they had.

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Fractured Families Draft 1 Epilogue

He'd made sure this ship didn't have an override code, and that the tag was only on when he wanted it on. he scratched at his arm and thought he felt the fur fly off. he had to be majorly stressed if he was shedding so much.

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My Life is Super Profiles: The Great Liftramo

When all three escaped, liftramo refined his powers to the point where he could override elevator safety protocols and cause entire lift cables to snap.

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A Snowkitten Cometh 27: Nightmares

The mother-instinct quickly overrides her body, pushing her to the bed and to the only one that means the world to her. as soon as she sits down a little bundle of trembling girl fills her lap and arms. "she's hurt so bad, mommy..."

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A Big Bad Wolf in sheeps clotheing prt. 2

Every moment that she gripped his testicles and licked or sucked on the head of his red throbbing cock, was immense override of pleasure. vince couldnt hold it much longer and he let loose all over the the collies face.

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Tina's Story Chapter 13 Naked at the Falls

"there's an override trigger in the dmv that lets you manually reset order priorities...." "and you know this because?" "i wrote the code" tina takes the wheel, and they start a long (and slow) trip to the country.

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The Adventures of Bloodstrype ch2) Ground and Pound

I order m'raak to send out scout drones to cover the rest of the building as i have spark (the squad ai) hack the base security net and override all automated systems.

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Crime in Twenty Prompts - Part Three

While the power will be shut off after the fire alarm goes off, there's a manual override in the coding for it. originally it was to help those in wheelchairs get down, but nowadays you're supposed to carry them out or something."

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caged, feeding time?

"these will work automatically, without the implant or the remote tho the remote will override them. they can stop pain and blood from that point on rather than the whole body, do not try to remove them."

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A short hard vore story

Her taste filling his senses, almost overriding his control to just bite in and devour her now. he knew he had to resist, to savour this unwilling meal, despite his craving for a more bloody taste of her distinctive flavour.

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