The Cistern: Part 5
It had been a huge orgasm, the smaller rat had poured hours of pent up rat-cum all over himself, sewer and then been given permission to let go as well!
The Cistern: Part 4
The patrons goal clearly to fill the tank and leave the latex glad rat floating, buried in piss!
The Cistern: Part 3
Sewer chuckled, "we are rats, what did you think we'd be eating? steaks off plates with cutlery?" "but we aren't actually feral rats..."
The Cistern: Fourth Hunt: Jager & Mokya
With a squeak the seven foot tall blonde rat pounced jager, pushing the bald rat forward and under the mud! caught off guard and standing on the uncertain footing of compacted muck the rat went over.
Deep in the Heart of the Alley
He gave me a rundown of "rat alley," a strip of real estate closer to the seaside with an especially dense rat population.
Rat's Reputation: Redwall, new and improved
It's a much more grounded work and rat himself fits well as an everyman (everyrat?). if it's not clear by now, i liked it.
The Angel
All the rats waiting behind had gasped. no one but the rat who was struck was able to see the mouse's staff. from their perspective, all they could see was a large rat dropping to the ground in pain.
The Tail of Thorns - Chapter 2
Far from the city of Gravaad, separate from the beautiful green shores of Dodanjuka, and across the Dan'utto Sea lay the Outlands. This was a smaller continent that lay North East of the continent the Empire of Thorns was established upon. The...
The Darkness of Dead Stars
The wrinkle-rats had had their little show; now that they believed the threat had passed, it would be left to its own devices.
The Lead Crown - Personal Break
Only a few minutes passed before the rat forced himself out of the tub. not even the chill from the icy water could hold back the rat's ever growing need for some proper rest.
The Lead Crown - After The Battle
Even if cruffington is able to survive his injuries, the rat doubted the victory of the small group would still be considered valid and worthy. the rat stared around the trashed village and frowned.
Royal Prayers
"Oh holy father, it is the first night since Friar Arlowe regained consciousness and everybody continued forth as if the raccoon dog hadn't been ill for the past few days. It bothers me that despite the good intentions that we had, we seemed to do more...