Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 120
Looking at him, the girls showed a smile before serenity and rose leaned against his sides, with serenity resting her head on his shoulder while rose held his arm. "no, think i feel same. what you want to do is better idea." serenity nodded. "yeah!
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 68
serenity's back.
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 143
Chris assured, ramming himself as deep as he could as his words made serenity scream.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 108
He point out, serenity and rose looking at the posts as they trot past. "humans make neat things now and then. i admit." serenity nodded. "that mean you're starting to li...!!"
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 96
"serenity's right about the respect stuff.
Chapter 2
serenity did, and very badly. he had, after all, gotten a good look of her while she was unconscious. being a bit of the pervert she was, serenity did want him in bed with her.
Big Changes Part 5
More tentacles coalesced on hir back, and proceeded to rap themselves around hir body as they had serenity's. shi positioned herself so that serenity could see what was going on.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 100
serenity grinned. "i-i...!!"
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 76
"s-serenity?" he muttered, letting out a sigh and scratching his cheek nervously before they continued walking with serenity ahead. "o-oy.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 107
He asked, serenity and rose lifting their heads with a confused, albeit groggy, looks in response. "wh-what mean what happen?" serenity asked. "yeah, don't you kn-know?"
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 159
serenity assured. "...you've been crying?" rose point out. "i said not need to worry about it." serenity insisted, walking past the two. "...i was, but not for bad reason." she added.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 104
serenity growled. "oh? still learning new words?" alicia grinned teasingly, serenity twitching an eye in agitation.