Hidden Mosaic

A small group of smokers, shoulders clenched and arms across their bodies to fend off the cold, sucking tensely from their cigarettes and keen to get their hit as quickly as possible so they can go back indoors. funny, i don't feel that cold.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixty

His voice was rough, like a chain smoker's. could skeletons even smoke without lungs, i wondered? i nodded towards kimberly, who was still sleeping against my shoulder. "she hit her head. won't wake up."

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Final Chance 3

"my folks were both alcholics and my dad was a heavy smoker too, well on the day of my tenth birthday, as usual, i had no gifts or cards to open so i just made myself busy as i always did, i was in my bedroom when dad came in, he was way more drunk than usual

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Feeling Good

His voice was deep, heavy, definitely the voice of a veteran smoker. thankfully i could mostly zone him out and listen to the sounds of the forest that played off a speaker somewhere in the room.

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Protecting Myself

I respired out, like dark embers from the back of a smoker's lung. "and...i gutted him like some cod. i panicked, then went to seán for help..." "sean?" cherry pronounced incorrectly, in a hushed tone. "who's sean?"

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End of Time - Session 2

The voice was deep and gruff, like a two-pack a day smoker when things such as cigarettes were more common. "i'm curious how you got so close without me smelling you. i took you for the living-dead when you first woke me up."

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Russian Roulette

He wasn't among the dancers, he wasn't at the little chatting room, or the bar, or among the smokers. kai growled in frustration. he was going to call, but there was no reception this far down anyway.

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The Loa Pantheon

He's a smoker and a rum drinker, but he's always the pirate hunter and never the pirate. in modern times, ogoun takes on paramilitary and military roles more often than not.

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Before Breakfast

My eyes were wide and my breath came in ragged huffs, like i had been a smoker of twenty plus years. i was frozen with uncertainty and ecstasy.

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One Night to Remember

As he was about to leave he noticed a small door that said non smokers in here and he decided to check it out, he opened the door and walked in to find a simple little lounge much like the other except for the lack of people, and of course smoke in the

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The only ones that are on my level are the bar hopping smokers." ally was discouraged, but kept on pushing, "you are good enough for me! you are brave and artistic and good with people and..." she stopped when neku looked at her face.

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Lesson in Desire

"my whole family are heavy smokers" i replied in, stammering. my body felt hot and i felt like tearing at my scales. the warmth in demont's expression returned. but i could only stare wide-eyed at him. "sorry i just wanted to know."

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