The Poem of Ecstacy
I especially held two species in high esteem: the ermine, also known as the stoat or the short-tailed weasel, and the european red squirrel, which looks not unlike an american red squirrel with ear-tufts and without the whites around its eyes.
First Day of School, Part 1: Chimera Prep
First Day of SchoolBy Assilsasta, Cormenthor & VerbMyNounA Crossover featuring:The Dark Riders of Marblecliff, Ethan, and the Bat & the Cat ??????????? August 19, 2013 ??????????? ??????????? Dressing to Impress ???????????The morning had started early...
The First Day of School, Part 2: Manticore Middle and Sphinx Elementary
First Day of SchoolBy Assilsasta, VerbMyNoun, & Talon2Point0A Crossover featuring:The Fletchers, Dark Riders of Marblecliff, It's Not Rape If..., A Daughter's Love, Poor Jordan?????·????????????????????)===>August 19,...