"I thought I told you that enough was enough there dragon," A cool voice stated flatly. The dragon the voice was aimed at just shrugged and kept on doing what he was doing, seemingly uncaring of the consequences as he strode along the street with a bag...
New Management
Trying to be all godlike and ignoring my ability to bend reality around you to my whim." myu chuckled. "you're telling me that you're bending reality around me and you're saying i'm the godlike one? right.
Skunk Goddess
It would be nice to bend reality to his whim, but nothing was ever that easy. 'a person of science must accept the probability that anything can happen. why don't you think it, and make it happen?
Chaos and Pleasure
bend, reality. _bend._" it released her, and she took to the air.
681 Gratuitous Tentacles
When you start to bend reality enough, the lesser vegetation of the other side starts to work its way through and that's it right over there. if you have tentacles of your own, you can bend things!"
Star Memory
reality to her very will._ _ the five warriors were incredibly powerful.
With heart-racing adrenaline action and suspense that bends reality to colorful extremes, element is the first series by leo mcdowd. it was two o'clock in the morning in tokyo when a white tiger walked into the blue note nightclub.
Pelten's Journal: Of Sources and Demons
It was a newborn child with a chilling voice that robbed our own speech and kept our eyes wide, a child with the power to bend reality around it, a newborn with a curiosity of the world that was as powerful as its desire to grow and absorb life.
Trucking Along 001
Give them the power to bend reality itself and you literally could not get rid of them. there was also an email from sheldon. he wanted to know if our candyland campaign was still on for humpday.
Tauren Tale, Chapter 11
Mages bend reality with their iron will and extensive knowledge. warlocks and shaman derive their powers from demons and spirits.
Kazooie's Bad Feather Day Chapter 1
"i can do anything because my magic is dream magic a rare kind of magic usually found in dreams that allows you to bend reality. i also have the power to invade dreams and take what i want. dream magic can allow you to do anything.
Waffle for Breakfast
Learning to bend reality to his whim was nothing compared to such majesty as the sun. he past the brothel and school, which oddly enough were across the street from each other.