Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based of off characters from the digimon series and I claim no ownership of them. It involves King Kazuma (from summer wars a standalone digimon movie) Black Wargreymon and Flamedramon (both from digimon season...
Blackwargreymon, Blood, Bondage, Death, Digimon, M/M, Rape, broken bones, kazuma
Hatred Chapter 6
_Hours pass as I'm unable to move from the pain. I slowly open my eyes to see cars and people walk by, staring at me, not giving a rat's ass about my condition. I slowly reach my hand over and put my jeans on, trying to get but...
Blood, Dream, Gay, M/M, Rape, broken bones, dad, mom, saving, water
Life's Pains Part 4
Hey guys sorry for the huge delay to this next part. My life is kind of busy right now but I started working on it last night and finished it just now so here it is and I hope you guys enjoy it.
I woke up in the hospital. My...
Broken-Bones, Coming-Out, Fox, Gay, Hospital, Kissing, No Yiff, Sad, Violence, Wolf, abandonment, dad
Hey guys sorry for the huge delay to this next part. My life is kind of busy right now but I started working on it last night and finished it just now so here it is and I hope you guys enjoy it.
I woke...
Coming Out, Fox, Gay, Hospital, Kissing, M/M, No-Yiff, Sad, Violence, Wolf, abandonment, broken bones, dad
The executioner 2
"Who's the new guy?" Cid says when he enters the office.
'"that's Payne, from the northern prison. He makes how you treated the black widow look like nothing" the panda says handing him a clip board.
Payne turns and...
Anal, Bear, Big Cock, Death, Elephant, M/F, M/M, Oral, Pain, Vaginal, broken bones, lugia
David worked his way to the edge of the gathered mass of people, his heart beating painfully and a wriggling anxiety worming in his gut. He was alone here, despite the hundred or so citizens milling about in the square. They all had a festive air about...
Death, Executed, Panther, Rebel, Rebellion, broken bones, broken neck, dead, execution, gallows, hanged, hanging, hung, prisoner
This story specifically deals with:
m/f sex
size differences
rough sex
masculine/feminine energies
broken bones
if any of these turn you off, turn away now. if you enjoy or are interested in these kinks, please enjoy reading.
BigMoo M/F, Energies, Rough Sex, Size Difference, Straight Sex, Zylen Andel, broken bones, feminine, masculine
The Signal
By BangBear
"You sure you're ready?" the deep voice asked. Its source sat on a bed, and the one he spoke to sat in his lap, back against his bare chest. She nodded her head, a bit of hesitation before deciding. The mouse looked up...
Biting, Blood, Broken bone, Female, Gore, M/F, Male, Masochism, Mouse, Size Difference, Straight, Tiger, Urine, sadism
**Illegal Pet**
By XP Author
Dragons. Known to be large, immensely powerful, and violent monster-beasts. Near feral, they are known to be incredibly brutal, using their supreme strength and incredibly sharp claws and teeth to rip anything to pieces....
Blood, Canine, Death, Dog, Dragon, Feline, Female, Lynx, Male, Pain, Snuff, Torture, Wolf, beating, beheading, broken bones, no sex
**Coffee Break Story**
**Final Bout**
By XP Author
Zoe "Stormer" Forgrove sat, her eyes closed, her focus only on the music thumping in her earbuds. The sounds of the crowd were drowned out by the heavy guitar riffs and thumping drums of the hard...
Blood, Cage match, Claws, Death, Death match, Female, Fighting, Hyena, Kangaroo, Male, Neck snap, Tiger, Violence (Not In Yiff), arena, broken bones
Graphic description of why the prey is not okay, including broken bones, internal injuries, psychological torture, digestion, and inevitable death. nonconsenting recipient of that description.
Death, Digestion, Dubcon, Dubious consent, Graphic digestion, Graphic violence, Snuff, Violence, Vore, Western Dragon, broken bones, crying, dialogue, monologue, oral vore
# chapter 9: another day, another broken bone
i came around staring into one of those tiled florescent ceiling lights that you see in some expensive public buildings. that's nice; i want to look at something else now.
Dog, Lion, Reptile, Sci-Fi, Story, Wolf