Rat's Nest [extreme]
One hand moved to start massaging sho's growing balls, the other stuffing more head cheese into his mouth.
The Last One
The demon head cheese smelled like sin... like sweat and musk and lust and being bad, like piss and shit and farting and cumming and so much wrong. it was salty, it was sinfully sweat, it was captivating.
Moral Extinction
"head cheese. haven't had a chance to harden this batch in the fridge, but it's stronger stuff. you'll love it." the rat said before he brought the cheese to lance's mouth, trying to push it in.
Man Cave
The head cheese stained his teeth, soaked into the grooves and was there to stay. as jordan gobbled up the head cheese, his body started to change again. his belly rounded more, his cheeks widened, his shoulders expanded.
Down and Dirty - Filth Commission
The changing rat boy pulled his own cock sheath back, revealing the swollen mushroom shaped head, the brownish purple cock flesh and the creamy white head cheese stored beneath.
Show and Tell (Commission)
A hint of salt danced upon his tongue as jace suckled the head. cheese's hand remained steady, urging the squirrel not to push too far back.
Radical Radiation
Harper had even grown a thick black mustache on either side of his muzzle, the ends curled with head cheese and semen rather than wax.
Welcome to Jade Island
It had been minutes that mikey sucked and gulped, his tongue tasting every inch of his head cheese, licking his shaft clean so he could start over.
Joining the Pack - Advent
It was the pent up sexual juices and head cheese that gathered over time. "now i hope you like my spunk." the wolf grinned, painting shawn's lips with it. shawn tried to fight it, but the flavor invaded his mouth.
Farm Raised
"maybe some head cheese. hash... oh so many things i can do with my darlin here." she tried to smile, wanted to say something in thanks. she couldn't breathe. that should make her panic, but... it felt so nice. leo was so gentle as he lifted her.
Reflecting Pond Scum
It was smegma, head cheese, the bountiful crop of disgusting left overs. marsh ran a finger through it, gleaning almost a marble's worth of the slime before he brought it up to quentin's lips.
Pond Scum 1
The scent was potent, the head cheese thick. mason brought his finger down and smeared a portion onto his finger before he leaned over and began smearing the slime over jake's lips.