
With my shoes full of snow i pull my shoulders up and trudge around skidmark after skidmark of dried blood. my mind instantly shoots into analysis mode. if the car rolled, the blood had no reason to be there. we still needed a positive id on the driver.

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One Dot Below the I

The backwards spiral through every degree year and mark is not enough all words white and leaving smoking skidmarks are not enough and "i shift from third into fourth then fifth gear and take off" isn't even enough and i pull over and flash the headlights

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Tail's 12 Days of Shitsmas

The spotless surface of the floor was instantly stained with watery skidmarks as the first droplets, which resembled dark tears, slipped through the cracks of shadow's massive ass and fell to the floor below.

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[SCAT] Heavy Duty pt.2a - Monday Evening

He used the toilet and squirted a bit more, then realized with a bitter surprise there was a big skidmark in his pants. when did it happen? no idea, but without knowing it, he walked past hundreds of people with a visible shit stain on his back.

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Kinky Kitty part 2

\*_, most likely leaving soft skidmarks on her seat from the wetness of the fart. she giggles at the feeling. her diapers are special with extra elasticity so they can hold her massive messes when the time comes.

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What is Reality?

Dem skidmarks, am i right?" bloody mary tossed a balled up piece of paper to steel, "fight me all you want, as much as we are enemies, i was released by a man i truly hate. if you kill him, i will return to exile without a fight."

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The Open Door

He stopped with what surely would've accounted to comical skidmarks in a cartoon, and instead only bowed to me in greeting. how nicholas. "excuse me, excuse me!" he vocalized intensely. "i forget." "you are forgiven," i replied softly.

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Patterson: A Heart as Warm as His Padding

He brushes up against the projector screen, smearing a giant sticky skidmark across his figures.

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Chapter Sixteen

On crossing the highway, i stopped when i saw a set of skidmarks that led over the edge of the road and down the embankment. "anna, i think he's caused another wreck, he has a habit of doing that... it's how katy's parents died."

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Andy's Internet Buddy

His father only ever wiped just enough shit from his hole to keep him from stinking up the joint, so most, if not all of his underwear had massive skidmarks in them. with his tailhole over his sons nose and mouth, he says "now it is daddies turn.

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Clearly, this was somewhere sasuke had grown himself well past any semblance of mobility before, and the naga didn't have to look for long to see the bits of grey fur on the sides of the door or the rubber skidmarks from tires struggling to move such a monumentally

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