Furry Fox embarks on a journey through a vibrant world, where he encounters majestic gryphons with wings of gold and deep blue feathers. These awe-inspiring creatures captivate him and the entire enchanted realm. Along his exploration, he stumbles upon...
Enchanted world, Furry fox, Gryphons, Gryphonwolf, Interspecies ritual, Knot, Land of gryphons, Male on female, Mating, Nature's wonders. m/f, Sacred bonds, Standing Bent Over Sex Position, Story, Voyerism, Yiff, behind, mounted, penetrate, stand, tit, visit, voyer
If you stray too far outside of friendly territory, there's no telling what horrible things could happen to you...if you wander into the land of gryphons, you just might end up being a snack for them if tama has anything to say about it!
Interspecies, M/M, Male, Nudity, Orgy, Size Difference, Soft vore, Story, Teasing, Vorgy, edging, erotica, stroking, taunting, vore
The neighbours - rein on one side and keploen on the other - knew her, but beyond them she was pretty much a stranger to the land of gryphons.
"well, i'm already bored."
Anatomically Correct, Deep Penetration, Dinosaur, F/F, Fantasy, Gaping, Implied unbirth, Insertion, Lesbian, Licking, Massage, Naga, Oral, Penetration, Pussy, Reptile, Reptilian, Snake, Story Series, Tail, Tail Sex, Tailhole, Transformation, Unbirthing, Vagina, Vaginal, cloaca, gape, prehistoric, unbirth
of gryphons.
Anatomically Correct, Avian, Bird, Cock, Cock Vore, Cowgirl, Cum, Cumshot, Doggystyle, Dragon, Drake, Egg, Eggplay, Eggs, Female, Griffin, Gryphon, Hen, Illustrated, Impregnation, Interspecies, Knot, Knotted, Knotting, M/F, Male, Messy, Oviposition, Pussy, Sex, Size Difference, Straight, Temple, Tie, Tied, Tribal, Vaginal, Vore (soft), cervical penetration, cockvore, dawn, mess, plains, ridges, savannah, semen, sizeplay