Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 38
XXXVIII Trial by Combat (Day 370 on Tashoo) For the first time since I arrived in Talo-Vy, I didn't have a nightmare the night before I experienced stress. I was glad because, when I would have the nightmares, I tended to be unusually tired and...
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 29
He slowly determined that he was going to get to the bottom of that situation and get the law repealed.
Tales from the Hall of Heroes, Darkblade's Sacrifice
I was going to use my magic to force congress to pass a law repealing the 22nd amendment, then i would rule for the rest of my life. but you and your dragons ruined that plan, so now i think i will make you all pay."
Spirit Bound: Chapter 138
Without your family backing grandda luke, there's no chance we can get those homophobe laws repealed. that'll leave _all_ of us in trouble."