And then add that our company has a great anti lgbt discrimination record.
martin smiles at me and apologizes. i take a minute to look at our new dr stein. he's an attractive young red fox, at 6'3" and 195 pounds only a little smaller than me.
Breeding, Cunt Boy, Drunken Fun, Impregnation, Knot, Lion, Love, Male Pregnancy, Red Fox, Romance, Tie
Government: Federal Theocratic Republic
Religion: Protestant Christianity (organized by the National Church of America)
Capital: Washington, D.C.
Currency: DSD (Devout States Dollar)
Political Faction: Revenant...
Alternate Reality, Alternate Society, Anthro, Commentary, Conquest, Conservative, Contemporary, Dark, Discrimination, Dystopia, History, Lgbt discrimination, Liberal, Military, Moderate, Multiple Species, No-Yiff, Patreon, Political, Political science, Prejudice, Rebellion, Religion, Religious dictatorship, Story Series, Theocracy, Violence (Not In Yiff), War, Wolf, alternate history, democracy, politics, rights, totalitarianism
Also, quite significantly, while writing, i read the news about the dissolution of the don't ask, don't tell policy having been accepted by the united states senate, thus starting along the way of stopping lgbt discrimination in the united states military.
Anal, Doberman, Domination/Submission, Fingering, Humping, M/M, Military, Muscles, Musk, Oral, Spooge