The Slut Suit
#22 of magnus strange another story stream done by draconicon the theme was latex and i was curious to see how it would go. i wasn't disappointed.
When You Wish Upon a Demon
#21 of magnus strange another short story stream by draconicon for drakehavok and i. this was during draconicon's demon story stream. check out his fa for more info on his streams! they can be fun to watch.
Muscles at a Bargain
Posted using postybirb muscles at a bargain for magnus strange and shark mike by draconicon mike was not sure how he expected things to be better today, but they weren't.
Reverse Binding
#20 of magnus strange here is a short story that was done by draconicon during his rituals stream. here magnus is summoned from the island by a few mortals, and the results are not what anyone expected.
Torin’s Demon
#5 of magnus strange another story stream is done by draconicon for torin13 and myself. the theme for the stream was impregnation.
Corporate Demonic Deals
#24 of magnus strange a story stream that was done by draconicon the theme was open content. which is popular for some reason. the character, lead, is owned by freckle.
Milking the Mage of Magic
Milking the Mage of Magic For Magnus By Draconicon Knock, knock. Draconicon looked up from his books at the loud thumps on his door, somewhat surprised to hear the sound of impending visitors so early in the day. Usually, clients or...
A Gamble of Corruption Chapter 3
#3 of a gamble of corruption the final installment of the mini-series with norua written by the talented draconicon posted using postybirb a gamble of corruption chapter 3 for magnus strange and norua by draconicon
A Gamble of Corruption Chapter 2
Posted using postybirb a gamble of corruption chapter 2 for magnus strange and norua by draconicon lykary honestly wasn't sure how he was going to handle going through the castle again.
A Gamble of Corruption Chapter 1
strange and norua by draconicon lykary didn't know what to make of pleasure island.
Filled with More than Corruption
#19 of magnus strange i was able to get this from one of draconicon story streams.
Donkey Long, Donkey Strong, Donkey Dong
A story i was able to get during one of draconicon's streams back in september 2016 * * * donkey long, donkey strong, donkey dong for magnus strange by draconicon "so, still living here after mom left, huh?"