Just Another Gay High School romance chapter 8

Another month had passed since that fateful day in Coren's room. Will had been giving Coren the love and affection he had been craving for a long time now. He thoroughly enjoyed cuddling up against his big strong wolf when they stayed at each others...

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And the nuns humbly accepted the money bet against them time and again. their coffers overflow with the funds needed to pay rent for the sister-house they claim as home.

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The smelliest party

Two hours later, a contest was set up as usual in the backyard with two giant see-through toilets, lots of drinks and food, and a money-betting station. this time, the party was private to only a group of some people.

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A Bet's a Bet Pt.3

Poor little jessie maybe shouldn't let master brag too much on him, especially when there are money bets involved. oh well i think he had fun in the end anyways ^^ oh! that reminds me. what sort of competition would you like to see jessie entered into?

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Sadie, Shriya, and a Tongue Like Sandpaper

They were old money. bet they'd flip out if they knew where sadie was, who she was with, and what they were about to do. mostly that last one. "huh.

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Tea and Empathy

She watched me closely at that point, and i gave myself an even-money bet that she could read my expression like a book. "okay," i admitted, "that does start to sound like something cultish.

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Duces & Jacks

Paxton, who seemed ta be trying ta win back his lost money, bet increasingly larger sums, forcing us ta match him ta stay in.

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Cooling the Desert’s Desire

She was a female through and through and despite this, the untrained observer would have lost good money betting that she was a he. just make sure not to openly bet on such things in front of one or you'd suffer for your ignorance.                

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The Gambling Rules 1

And lance was starting to get a little too loose with his money, betting bigger and bigger in hopes of getting that jackpot.

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Hunting Slaves

And lots of skinny cat-boys to keep all the regulars coming back, losing money, betting on the chance of getting lucky with them. none of 'em really put out. bet you that they'd scream if they took a cock like yours the way that i did, eh?"

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Game Story: Hunting Slaves

And lots of skinny cat-boys to keep all the regulars coming back, losing money, betting on the chance of getting lucky with them. none of 'em really put out. bet you that they'd scream if they took a cock like yours the way that i did, eh?"

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.6 - With Burning Faith

"plus, making money betting against her won't hurt us too bad." "just a li'l extra. the toho might think we're too greedy for their own good, but we're making out like bandits."

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