The Big Sister Part Fourteen: Sister Vs Sister
The two gargantuan vulpine siblings would stare down one another, face to massive face. Their pair of glowing green eyes would glisten at one another. Everyone within the city of Siag who were taking shelter were observing this horrific scene as if two...
Kzill2.txt - m/m, zoo/movie monsters - july 31, 2003 kong/zilla 2 by swamprat (cl) 1998, 2003 gay furry association a dirty fairy tail for herps, furry and fans of monster movies - number 2 in a series. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
APG.TXT - M/? - Violence/NC - Oral, Anal - August 11, 2003 Aliens and Predators and Grunts By SwampRat (cl) 1999, 2003 Gay Furry Association Krekk jerked off the armor covering his arms, watching the acid-blood turn the claws to mush,...
alone together (P2) : one more game
(Disclaimer: Drax is copyright her player Drax the fox. E is copyright the myself A.K.A. E the eternal\_voyager) 1. Please be advised that this story may contain adult situations 2. Please be advised that this story contains vore "I...
The Big Sister Part Two: A Gift, and A Curse
Adriana would scurry towards her residential apartment building as she would soon get all her fur, dress, cape, and pretty much everything drenched in more rain. Unlike her younger sister, Adriana hated water unless to clense herself. The...
The Big Sister Part One: Resentment
Act One: Resentment. Adriana walked down the drenched and soaked sidewalk as the wind would blow around her pink dress, her furry grey face, and her dark purple cape. While the rain had indeed cleared up, things were stilll far too wet for her liking....
A moonlight fight by the side of the road
Rushing to the scene cloaked off course was recently fully fledged hunter and his newly acquired bitch. He was still a rash young hunter that was looking for everything and anything to prove himself a true hunter. And this was something he could not...
Demon's Eye ch 3
(thanks to Blackwing to translation) The next day, Razzor was greeted by the morning in the ruins of four-poster bed. He grumbled a little at the early wake - since morning to him had a totally different meaning. When he descended, the team...
Jurassic World fanfic Roark and The Indominus Rex
A fan fiction I wrote inspired by the new Jurassic world movie. I'll be uploading this in parts since I would assume most don't have time to come here and read Roark and the Indominus Rex. Introduction. A world where dinosaurs are brought back to...
Much alike to the diner she was in only a few long minutes before, this building was in a state of incurable disorder. Once more Serena gave a snorted cringe to the layers of dust collected upon the surfaces she examined, it nearly causing her to...
Even Monsters Have Problems Pt.1
Well, it's time for me to try my hand at writing something. I tried once before, and got frusterated by the constant denial. It was my fault though, I wasn't doing what the admins/reviewers were asking me. But I digress. I was watching Monsters Inc....