Kissing Cousins: Babs Seed vs Applebloom
Her eyes half-closed, and she pressed forward, the ropes tied around their improvised ring stretching out as she pushed the moaning babs into them, turning the muscular girl into a panting pile.
2 - A New Start
Ok, so heres Chapter 2, I thoroughly read through it but I probably missed some typos again. This one features a fully fappable sex scene between Mishka and her paw, so enjoy that! Let me now what you guys think! Mishka turned around and placed 2 bowls...
Opening up
~sigh~ Abigail tightly wraped her wings around herself as she hung from the portable roosting bar she had owned for long as she had been traveling. It was almost like a friend to her that actually stuck around. Unlike half of her crew.. and fans...
1 - Fateful Encounter
So this is a little interesting, my little brother Avernakis (Frosty) asked me to make a story of us, and my usual Fursona is Mishka the Husky. Written in 2 days, a total of... maybe an hour and a half? Well, either way, this is the first part of a...
The Helpless Hyena
The hyena was a proud, skillful sexfighter. He'd been in more than a few matches, and he usually won. A few defeats, but they were rare. He'd dedicated himself to it, now, setting up his fights live for anyone who wanted to see. The door of his home...
A Shower for Ursula
A Shower for Ursula "RAH HAH HA!!!" Another day, another bounty! _FWAP! FWAP!_ Such vicious sounding wings. They filled the air, a near deafening howl that caused birds to soar from the safety of their canopies. Gaze up, and you'd see the bright...
Boldly Coming -- 1st scene
"Beautiful." Trent smiled as he watched Rhoa finish setting up the targets. The soft golden light from the sun rising over the distant mountains caressed her midnight-blue skin and long, coppery hair. She turned to take in the vista for a moment before...
Project: Phoenix (Neon City Book 3), Chapter 19
"Terrific." Ramirez stared at the police cars and the four officers at the door as she drove around to the parking lot. She clenched her teeth around her cigar, zipped into the first empty space, and heaved herself out of the car with a weary sigh....
Project: Phoenix (Neon City Book 3), Chapter 22
"We're back," Jack whispered, and Taura glanced up to find him and Corona in the waiting room doorway. She stood, glanced at Ramirez and the others, and led Jack and Corrie back to the lobby. "They're still operating on Kim," she said softly. "Another...
Project: Phoenix (Neon City Book 3), Chapter 21
_No ... oh, no!_ The flashing lights caught Corona's attention from blocks away and several hundred feet below. As young as she was, she'd seen enough to know exactly what they meant. She changed the angle of her wings and put herself into a steep...
Project: Phoenix (Neon City Book 3), Chapter 23
"Should be almost done now." Jack glanced at his watch, yawned, and turned to stare at Corona pacing slowly to the far end of the hall and back. Even though she and Taura had been engineered to have more stamina than any human, she'd started having...
Project: Phoenix (Neon City Book 3), Chapter 17
"Well," Ramirez muttered around her cigar after a quick glance at her watch, "I guess we should get going." She started the engine and eased out of the underground parking lot. Most of the debris from the recent battle had been pushed to the sides,...