The Blade grows dull
Breaking the blade... The Gym locker room was quieter than usual, but the clanks and boisterous discussion of sports never bothered Samuel either way. The lean silver fox had to work to ignore the usual musk though, but only because posing nude with...
Loving Relief
Jay was understandably subdued during dinner, so max took it upon themselves to carry the conversation, telling jay about the latest in office drama.
The Tape
She took a sip from her can of beer that tasted more like warm piss at this point but it was something to help distract her mind from work and office drama.
These Perfect Moments
He had been back at work for only 3 hours and he was already thrust directly into the thick of 'office drama' once again, "...i think if everyone were stereotypical then i would probably be sitting on the edge of a frozen lake ice fishing?"
Tailesium - New Reality
But i'll be back in the same old goddamn grind, dealing with my fat little prick of a boss and his bullshit, wrangling all that petty fucking office drama, drinking piss-weak coffee all day, nuking a shitty microwave meal for lunch and... i...