Becoming a Legend

#2 of auramancer this is another part of an incomplete work, auramancer. i'm not sure exactly where this fits in, and it's liable to be a hell of a spoiler for when i do finish, but i had to share it now.

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Auramancer: The Beginning

#1 of auramancer who says music isn't a form of magic? the box was what started it. no one knew where, or why, or how, but on one day, in one split of a fraction a second, the world changed.

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Trick or Treat

Silv, like all of his clan, was an accomplished auramancer, light-mage, as well as an accomplished healer and master of angelic magics. long ago, the valens clan had been gifted with the blood of the angels to help protect the world of the light.

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Shift 1.2 - Dreamscapes

And, yes, i'm an auramancer. comes in pretty handy if you have an angry tiger in the lobby who doesn't want to pay up." he was right.

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