Wolf Springs High School

I looked down at my schedule with a sigh. "Room 1308" I read aloud. I nearly jumped from my own fur as the bell rang. "Oh shit..." I huffed, and jogged down the hall where I thought my first period may be. I stopped at the door as my hand hovered over...

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Meet the Family

I woke up and the first thing I felt was warmth surrounding my body. Next I felt a throbbing in my skull, echoing through my ears. I slowly opened my eyes, shocked to see another muzzle right in front of mine. I blinked my eyes clear, and saw Blake...

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A Few Too Many

"All I want to do Is trade this life for something newHolding on to what I haven't gotI'm holding on to what I haven't gotI'm holding on to what I haven't got"Blake held his chin up high, grinning while singing along with Chester Bennington in Waiting...

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Bad Nicknames

I sat at my desk in French class, staring forward blankly as Mr. Watley, a pudgy old dalmatian, recited short, basic phrases in French. With a quiet huff, I slumped further down in my seat. Blake sat next to me, giving the occasional glance in my...

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