Session No. 5

Disclaimers: Gage belongs to[![avatar?user=27290&character=0&clevel=2]( bsaxagent]( "Galen")who wrote this Session, and Galen belongs to me. If these...

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Marcus and Lilia - Chapter II

A week later I was clearly impressed with this new ship. Granted there were a few hiccups with the automated systems, but it was nothing that either Vicky or I could get worked out. So, for the most part everything was running smoothly. As part of the...

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Marcus and Lilia - Chapter One

**CHAPTER I** ================= Ever have one of those years that you just wish that you could go back and do over again. Make different choices knowing now what you knew back then. Well that's what I'm facing right now. It started last July when I...

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