Blackrose Theatre Company

**This is an adult story. Don't read if you're not legally allowed to. Duh.** So... I've written this as a once off, there may be sequels I don't know. As you can probably tell I'm bad at continuations. It's mainly just an exercise I did to practice....

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Prologue to The kings of Dust

**Prologue** The air stood still around him, like his surroundings; it was frosted, sharp and unmoving. There was neither breeze nor draft daring enough to disturb this place. Icicles jutted from skeletal trees like crystal teeth of the contorted...

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The Legend of The Ice Heart: Chapter One - Into the Ice Palace part 1

Snow trickles down of the small village of frazenburg, a small dense village made out of tough, cold, huts and even tougher and colder, citizens. The street lamps swing in the winter storm. The mud pack streets fill with...

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The Twists in Life 2

All Peace Must Be Fought For It was early morning in the forests of Montana. Andy slowly awoke to the sounds of birds and squirrels. He felt his loves tail brush up against his leg and rolled onto his side to wrap his arms around her. Rachel began...

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A starlight Hope of Happiness Part 1

John sat in front of the window of his summer home in the country starring into the hell that he recognized as the world. He watched the birds in the trees and a doe and her mate taking a sip from a small stream. He hated it all and hated himself for...

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Roommates and Something More

Paul was laying in bed thinking about the day before, he was more interested than ever in his room mate Jerry. Paul was a Falarian his species had evolved from a creature similar to fox's and he had always been curious about other species mating...

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Evolutions Helping Hand

It was dawn in the jungle as Lasha stretched her paws out on the branch she slept on. Her sharp panther claws dug deep into the soft wood her shiny silky black fur gleaming in the light. She thought about her routine and her boredom. Every day she...

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Warming Up

It was unseasonably cool in the fall months in the savanna and Janice was enjoying it. She was always a little odd unlike most of the people who loved the heat she loved a little cool breeze. It was early afternoon when she laid out on the banks of...

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A lovely Surprise

Orao and Lamika spent a lot of time together and Orao thought it was time to move to the next step. Lamika would often spend the night and Orao would visit her at the courthouse. This just didn't seem like enough for Orao though. He wanted to take...

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A first Time

Orao and Lamika went out many times loving each other's company more and more with each conversation. They had fallen into the deepest recesses of love and they both knew it well. But Lamika wanted to finally consummate their love by giving him the...

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First Date

Orao Picked up the phone and called one of his friends that owned one of the most successful and exclusive restaurants in the city. Orao new Ray would help him and needed to make a really good impression on Lamika. "The Shay Purr the only true...

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Destiny in a Bagel Shop

It was a sunny summer morning and the sky sparkled with the colors of the rainbow. The wind softly blew as the birds sang the songs of love they seemed to cherish so instinctively. A gust of wind blew into Lamika's modest apartment and brushed over...

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