Pokemon Scientia Potentia Est - An Exchange of Vows - Chapter 1: Futile Promise

At the Institute of Battling Proficiency, affectionately known as BP Institute, battle finals were usually targeted at a specific area, prioritizing crippling weak points that could potentially be remedied, as opposed to simply improving upon their...

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Sometimes, I sit here and ponder how my imaginary friend that I put on paper would act in response to an imaginary stimulus. How would combat would work if we could shoot flames from our fingertips? How much slowly immolating hate can a good man take...

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A Clash of War and Peace

In a time everlasting, there was a noble who sought an age of peace with his rapier, 'tolerance.' This man held a grandiose ideal of a world where he would never have to draw his rapier. This ideal brought him into a great battle with a veteran of...

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Loneliest TIme of the Year Ch. 1-3

Ch. 1 It had been a long day at a cozy little bar in Los Diablos, Nevada known as the Gambler's Gambit, one of the three jobs the young mouse, Kari, worked at - and she knew the night was still young. As soon as 1:00 AM hit, the paint-splotched...

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Dick's Drinks - Kari V You

The sun set on the little seedy little bar in the middle of nowhere of the Nevada desert, signaling the commencement of the daily night life activities. On the surface, Dick's Drinks - often referred to jokingly by its patrons as Dick's Dump - was a...

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