Drag-On Days: The Conspiracy Theories Part I

As we left off in the first chapter of the series, the two lovers, Arthur, the Human, and Angelis, the Black Dragon, had just narrowly escaped an all but certain death, but at what cost? Welcome to Chapter Two: Conspiracy Theories (Part One of...

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Drag-On Days: The Beginning

{{Author note: I've been trying to get into writing, and I was inspired by some materials to finally write something. Which is practically impossible for me anymore due to having chronic migraines which seem to have no end. I had the fit of inspiration...

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Drag-On Days: The Conspiracy Theories Part II

A loud, bestial roar echoed through the green hills of Svilindor, a region neutral to the wars of King Dvilka of Ktelech, and Queen Scyeethe. The fight was over none other than land. A dispute a decade old, with neither side winning, only...

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