The Theft of Lykron

Written for Lykron (Links at the bottom) Rise of the Dark Nation, Book 1 The Theft of Lykron- College these days is a trial. Lykron thought as he passed the quad. Not like you'd see in a courtroom, or like the trial period of an item, no...

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Much Needed Alterations

Dragon Breeding, Book 1 Much Needed Alterations John strolled slowly down the old street, he looked around at the old buildings that made up the historic town center of Hawk Grove, Texas. Like any other man of Texas he stood...

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Transformations of a Fox

Continuation of a story for an old friend. Tramsformation into a man The trail was obvious to any with eyes to see it. The prints were ruby bright and wet as blood that had dripped from the animal pooled in the bottom of each...


Black tears and falling leaves

This story is the day's leading up to the death of a young teenager. If you do not wish to be saddened please do not read any further. Black tears and falling leaves James stared down from the heights on the second floor of his home as his...

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My dreams are always about sex!

Story gay sex, blah blah blah 18 needed to read not menat for kids yada yada. This story is set in the mind of a highschool FAT wolf. Try and think like him! My dreams are always about sex. When I wake up and my pants are stuck to my crotch with...

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ruby rain

This is the story of a fur named Davis, he lives together with his lover and partner James. Davis is a Coyote, dark brown fur and shortish hair. Ruby Rain Hot water flows from the shower nozzle to splash...

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Meetings! Part 1

For neko-boi (Kai) The plane rocks... the wings tip up and down. My seat rocks with it. My stomach is somewhere back by Denver... I groan as each tiny gust makes the plane jerk and at a few places seem to drop. I drop my head back onto the headrest...

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One Happy Easter Part 3

One Happy Easter Part 3 This story is based on real life. Furs and situations have been changed to make it all artsy and a better read so please enjoy! ~Shiro Zeo and I walked from the park back to our house. The sun was setting and the mass of...

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One Happy Easter Part 2

One happy Easter 2 :Based on a true event: "Look at that one Socks!" My lover chuckled, I turned my eyes to where his paw pointed and saw the cute little wolf boy crying and struggling to climb out of the pond. "Baby, that's not funny." I stood...

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One Happy Easter Part 1

One Happy Easter! :Based on a true event the furs and details have been changed to make a good story: Easter has always been my favorite holiday. Never been sure why really, could be because the Easter Bunny is the only rabbit known wide and...

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Dilerium, 1 Findings

This is a story mixed with personal experiences.... Not the sex though :) First in an ongoing love story. OOO?means character shift. The echoing yell reached me behind the house, I turned to the front and ran as fast as my small legs would carry...

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Delirium 2

There is no sex in this story sorry horny people. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jamie eyes opened to his freezing dorm room. His breath fogged out in front of him and his nose seemed ready to fall from his cold...

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