See them both in action

When she returned there was quite a scene awaiting her. The wagon had been loaded and repaired, a fire was made to spend the night, the bodies had been disposed of, and a small gulghuth was on a spit over the fire. And next to the fire Prathem and...

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"Mommy!? What the fuck!? How are you his mommy," Xizim asked incredulously, staring hungrily at the brown breeches around Prathem's waist. She usually didn't like anthro-people, but this guy was just... Grr! He was like a crepe in a sea of flapjacks. ...

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The Lion of the Underdark

In the unfinished temple grounds the Task-mistress, Xizim, was having a difficult time convincing the others what she had heard. Though it was not her place she had spied on the Master's conversation with the High Priest. She had over heard every word,...

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the Plot and the Princess

As the massive, red-scaled Alruxus Kree strode into the conference room, his thick, muscular tail lashing about angrily, his razor-sharp mandibles oozing the acidic venmom of his race, the race of the Pit Fiend, he wondered why Nalsheth, High Priest of...

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Remembering Loss

Kree dropped the remains of the vulture-like Vrock and let them fall to the floor in a miserable, feathery heap. Fury blazed in his eyes. His palace, his home, was being invaded. He stormed down a long corridor, lobbing spheres of acid and lightning at...

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OK guys, sorry its been so long since i got a new chapter up, but here it is. Real life reared its ugly head. And my internet is down. Anyways, Faerun, The Forgotten Realms, Dungeons and Dragons and all names, characters and concepts associated...

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The Woodcutter

The woodcutter swung his axe and split the log perfectly. He hefted the 3 foot diameter shards of wood and tossed them onto the pile, then sat on the chopping block and dropped his brow. He pulled out a rag from breast pocket and wiped his brow. He...

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Just to pass the time

Sorry for not throwing anything up in so long everybody. Im working on the next chapter of Lusts of Faerun. Till then heres a little something for you guys. Enjoy. Tiffany (as the Anthro Dragoness toy) is Copyright Bad Dragon; her likeness is...

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