In the booth
**in the booth** jesse sneaked into a booth in the back of the adult store, where people could watch movies for a small fee. in the booth there was a flat screen tv and a terminal where you inserted your credit card and chose a movie.
Booth 41
Two booths, side by side, shared a common glass window. if both booths clicked the switch, the glass would become transparent. booth 41 was also much beloved by the roadside patrons because of a large slit cut into the bottom part of the wall.
Transformation Booths
Malls were dying, but there was a recent uptick thanks to transformation booths. jeremy alternated between talking with his wife and reading a kinky transformation story. the story was about a man that got a commission involving a transformation booth.
Hermification Booth
booths were ahead and it looked like an asymmetric design craze had taken over this year.
The Kissing Booth
He set the scene with his hyena waiting patiently in the line of a kissing booth. when it's about to be his turn, he sees that aren is the one at the booth.
Filling A Booth
The added relief of pressure both off his back and hips was enough to make him groan all the louder, contently comfortable finally in his booth.
Photo Booth
Ashley got redressed, and out of the photo booth, just as jeremy got in, and undressed in that booth.
Photo Booth
The shepherd's musk was a subtle, earthy scent that filled the small booth and sent the wolf's blood to boiling.
The Black Booth
Each of those booths had a different color applied to it, including the red booth, the green booth, the blue booth, the white booth, the gray booth, and finally the black booth - which is where i often performed on the nights i chose to.
Under the Booth
The booth that the two androgynous furres were nestled together in was out of the way. they hadn't seen a server in ages.
Strangers in Booth #23
More than half of the booths seemed occupied by seilius laying their eggs. snicks suddenly felt quite vulnerable and out of place. he began walking along the booths, checking his ticket again to confirm that he knew where he was going.
Playing the Game
Playing the Game By Dalan It was a typical pub on a typical Friday night. The band had just started their set of lame cover tunes, and the population of the place was beginning its transition. Those over-eager business folk who'd stayed for...