The Suprise
Here the cheefox was definitely outnumbered by more mindful boys who occupied themselves with more constructive things than caring for nuanced signatures.
Delicate Desires
The cheefox didn't understand what it all meant but was blushing rather profusely as no one had touched him "down there" before except when he was younger.
The cheefox took his place opposite of the fox and rested his arms to his side. the fox decided a much more aggressive measure was needed to secure victory. rushing right into the cheefox and stopping just short.
Cam's Christmas
Much to the cheefox's surprise, collin was wearing a very suggestive and skimpy santa themed outfit.
Delicate Desires Part 2
The cheefox took a deep breath simply looking down at the in front of him before placing his hands on the boys head ruffling his fur with his fingers.