Delicate Desires
Slowly and softly the catcoon began to lower the younger boy against the floor. jayce found himself beginning to stroke the other boys fur with his paw. the fabric of the younger boys shirt lifting as catcoon stroked it gently.
Delicate Desires Part 2
The odor wasn't much stronger but now the catcoon was eye to eye with his favorite thing. he dipped his nose in closer pushing the covered flesh against the groin around the boys shaft.
The little catcoon attempted to stand, but he would only end up falling right over! the tremors were far too strong for him to move. somnus was confused, terrified, and worried. he attributed the tremors to an earthquake..
A Youthful Halloween Night
The catcoon quickly stripped the whole thing off, sitting back down on the couch as the mouse started stroking his length.
Notrix's Community Service
It was another quiet, boring day as Notrix walked down the dimly lit hallway of the preschool. A stormy and otherwise melancholy Winter afternoon made the whole building feel especially small, and the 14 year old cat/raccoon hybrid loathed every minute...