The Night of Fun

He then snuck up behind cyndiquil and had noticed that cyndiquil's tight ass was showing. this made it easier as got up close and crammed his dick into the ass. cyndiquil jumped and squealed in pain from the sudden opening of his ass.

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Monster I Have Become: Prologue

She was a cyndiquill at the time. then there was mina. mina is flare's friend. mina was sort of forced to become friends with me and slash, because she wanted to stay friends with flare. then there is mr. teach. he is a hoot hoot.

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After Armageddon Chapter 1

When i last saw you, you were just a little cyndiquill." with that he slips back into unconsciousness again. my dad then tells us all "get some rest tonight were going to go look for survivors tomorrow.

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A New Community...... Of Pokemon? chapter one

cyndiquil.." the pokemon yelled out. "ok then." nero smiled running for lucario. as nero ran he yelled out, "pokemon, tell all the pokemon to protect me and attack any grunts they see." the pokemon nodded and ran in every different direction.

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What, a dog isn't a pokemon? chapter one

"lets see i have mightyanne, pikachu, and a cyndiquil." cyndi answered. "cool." dairu replied, "when do you want to head to jubilife?" "we can go now if you like?" "sure lets go." dairu replied, "sunday lets go."


Ch 2. Dwellings in the Past

-Quilava Point Of View- I started walking to the den, I was going to take a nap for a while. Upon reaching the den I walked in and hesitantly stepped to his bed. I already missed him so much. I sat down on his bed and rubbed the spot that he would...

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After Armageddon Chapter 7

He had burners on his back like a cyndiquil did, arranged into two vertical stripes running the length of his back. like me he also had a sheath. his hair had just begun to grow out from his head and was a dark blue like my fur.

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The Long Road Home

"he had three other siblings, but they were all cyndiquil, and i think they went to other facilities since i couldn't find them in the group..." leo translated. "i see... i'm sorry we didn't come soon enough to save them. what's his name?"

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