The Life and Soul of Rikh Ghanyr
More dubious is that the journal claims to contain insights into the mind of rikh ghanyr, infamous for instigating the bloody civil that bears his name, the ghanyr rebellion.
Wayfinder's Journals (3)
.** **ghanyr was the agitator of the appropriately named ghanyr rebellion, the cottonmouth who almost singlehandedly overthrew the king cobra dynasty.
While the Cat is away (Ch. 13.5)
And nikolak... this was the first time since ghanyr that she'd taken a vessel, and ghanyr was the first since the great war of rebirth. would shou end up like ghanyr?
Afterdark (Ch. 20)
Rather than ghanyr though... ghanyr was something else. he lived in exactly the right place, the right time, and with the right set of skills.
Wayfinder's Journals (2)
I will tell you of the ghanyr rebellions, and the man who led them, but such a story may only be told beneath the desert stars."** **he realized quite suddenly then that he was holding both my arm and my mouth...
How it Ends.
He spoke the truth of the past before the queen and reveled in his true name; thrask ghanyr, brother to rykhan the devourer.
Stolen Secrets (Ch. 20)
You are right... many believe that ghanyr would have fallen into madness regardless, but fear's involvement certainly hastened that process. your soul seems stable, and nikolak...
Chapter 1
"i swear by the blackened bones of rikhan ghanyr, long since scattered across the wastes, that i will tell no-one your secret. cross my heart and hope to die." she added this last bit with a smile, one that quickly vanished under his withering glare.
Reprieve (Ch. 10.5?)
ghanyr was just the catalyst that sparked it into open rebellion. also, is my foray into the woods really that important?" his words slipped through the air barely more than whispers, bound for some unknown or perhaps nonexistent presence.
Kalokin's "Solution" (Ch. 10)
Khaesho's voice raised the question curiously: "rikh ghanyr?" "the one and only." she laughed again as her lovers bantered, focusing more on the winds swirling about them than on their conversation.
Intruder to a Dream (Ch. 13)
Khaesho is the best thing to happen to you since rikh ghanyr, and you deserve to be happy as much as i do!_ he turned then to look her dead in the eye, and she remembered exactly what she was talking to at his next words.
Knife and Sun (Ch. 15)
In their tongue, its pronounced ghanyr.