Well i have avoided that question for some words now, i am what is known as a hystrimorph, well for the scientific name, here it is, captiosus hystrix homo, it means smart porcupine man, i never knew homo meant that, in terms of biology, it means "same" but
Alien, Alien society, Alien world, Chosen, Crash land, Crashed ship, Emotion, Fallen gods, Fallout, Future, Gene Splicing, History, Male, Male/Male, Mechanical, New Start, New future, Ocean, Resurrection, Romance, Sci-Fi, Scientific advancement, Sub sleep, Utopia, Void, War, Wasted, Xenophillia, advances, augment, bio, carnivores, energy, evolution, extinction, first contact, foreskin, genocide, gods, homoerotic, kill, nuclear, oppression, past, porcupine, prologue, salvation, space, technology, transhuman, travel, world