Suit and Tie
lennox's tail was up. it could have been that the fox was happy to see his fashion sense proved.
Shapeshifter's Cold
When the Wife Works Night Shift - Part 3
"hey," said hal as lennox opened the door for him. "hey," said lennox shutting the door as the hyena walked in. hal went over and sat down on the couch. his relationship with lennox had reached a point where they were talking more now.
When the Wife Works Night Shift - Part 2
lennox didn't mind in the least, quite the contrary, he laughed at hal's unusual behavior. the lion and hyena locked eyes, with lennox brushing head fur of hal. "hey," said lennox. "yeah?" said hal.
When the Wife Works Night Shift - Part 1
Asked lennox casually. "sure," said hal. "bedroom's this way." hal and lennox got into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.
A little gift for fa: lennox , since he's such a neat dude. <3 species extinction is neat. :> lennox is fa: lennox jevin is fa: jevin story is by me. the pavement rattled, little chunks of asphalt coming loose.
Identity: Chapter Sixteen
So he looked lennox directly in the eye and said "yes, it did." lennox grimaced. "i hope i don't have to tell you all the reasons why this is _extremely_inappropriate? having sexual relations in the office?
Identity: Chapter Fifty-One
Not me, or lieutenant lennox. explanation later._ done.
Ghost Story: The Faded Pages
lennox offered her hand. she looked down sadly. "mrs. lennox i--i have to apologize," she looked down with guilt. "i... i possessed you once before." "oh."
Identity: Chapter Forty-Five
Ned glanced at lennox, arkady, nolan. they'd all seen it too. "senator, you will be accompanying us to the station" lennox said. "if i were you, i'd call your lawyer."
Identity: Chapter One
She'd perk up soon enough, though, when lennox gave them the case.
Identity: Chapter Fifty-Six
On the dancefloor, arkady had for once let someone else - lennox's husband, finn - escort moira, and was instead paired with lennox herself.