The Thirteen Heroes of Isidoro Chapter 2 Version 1.01
Added content includes more new characters (alice the cat dwarf, nicholas the ferret dwarf, ryo the rabbit dwarf, trinity the mudskipper dwarf, trixie the dog dwarf, brennan the groundhog dwarf, donovan the bear giant, a metallic robotic/mecha dog, a dragon
Logan and Chomper: The Passion That Transcends The Grievances Of Time
"hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing you unmolesting diarrhea mudskippers!?" said wolverine angerly, he did not like to be awaken from his slumber. "logan, your misdeeds have accomplished the shadow of the naught!"
No Thanks Required, Part 6
"betty clawsharp's '33 mudskipper died on her again, so i'm gonna be out there all day performing automotive cpr on the damn thing. you can drop me off on your way." "my way where?" "ravensville.