You and Them
They answer, their second fang doubling in size. "what do you want?" you think for three minutes. you find your answer. you let it out. you want to seek pleasure, you want to reduce pain, and you want it to be easy and simple.
** ** ** ** "Uuhhuhuu...uhhh....fuck, shit, man!" "Ahhh..." Jarvis slapped the upturned rump of the panther on his belly just as he slowly pulled his sloppy dick out of the other male's sucking hole and the rolled to the side, cock...
Posted using postybirb seconds "getting off the bus now," merl tapped into his phone. the rain pattered heavily on the windows, as the lion pulled his hoodie up over his thick mane. "k" came the response from the night's hook up.
You're stranded on the bed again. You've been awake for an hour or so, but your titanic partner slumbering next to you won't budge. You've tried to press your little hands against their giant body but all it does is remind you of how small you are...
How will a doll play?
Short, second person, windup critter just imagine whoever is going to play with you caressing your keyhole touching it feeling it your key being so slowly inserted in meshing with your workings tight tested tension against it but not enough to make
The Thournes
_Thournes_ I doubt I'll be hunting any of my siblings but knowing that I will not always be the Hunter has inspired me to leave these notes behind for my replacement. The Thournes--sometimes referred to as "The Outsider's Children"--are a group of...
Das zweite Gesicht
**Das zweite Gesicht** Tausend reine Regentropfen prasseln auf mich nieder. So schön der sich im Lichte spiegelnde Regenbogen. Doch diese Herbstlandschaft, die sich mir ergibt, zeigt nicht annähernd das Grauen, das sich in mir bildet. Nicht die...
The Voice Within: Coming to Reality
Being crazy is who I am. Nothing can change that. I know who to blame too, but it's not that simple I suppose. _"You know what you want"_ the voice I spoke to constantly said. "_It's one thing to be crazy and another to be powerful"_ The voice had a...
Adia's Riddle
Once upon a time, five residents of second life bought a row of five plots of land on the same sim, and lived together. a timid rabbit called adia made a burrow by their homes, and planted a tiny garden for food.
Your Happy Place - Commission for Anonymous
Please do not read if you are under 18! The following contains mature content not suited for general audiences. You have been warned. Just go to your happy place, and all will be fine... HYPNOSIS WARNING! The following contains content that...
Imagine yourself in a deep trance - your eyelids slowly get heavier, and the world seems to become first a blur, then silence. You sleep deeply, entering the swirling mists that weave time, space, and reality with timelessness, infinity, and fantasy....
Day 17 - Drone
Just for a second. you swore you'd seen words appear when the delta changed color, but you couldn't read them before they disappeared. that's what you were waiting for now.